Live from #ExpoWest: The (Unofficial) Best of West
To us, best new products of Expo West shouldn’t just be cool or taste delicious — they should be innovative, and should make the world a better place to live. That’s what the natural and eco-friendly industry is all about (and it’s why we love it!).

7 Don’t-Miss Freebies at Expo West 2015
To help our retail friends get the most out of their conference budget, we’ve listed some of the Expo West freebies that we’re most looking forward to.

What You Need to Know About the California Bag Ban
California has become the first state to ban retailers from offering single-use plastic bags. The law has not yet taken effect, but retailers who do business in the state have to start planning for the change now.

The Dallas Bag Ban: Everything You Need to Know
There has been a lot of confusion over the new Dallas bag law. Is it a bag ban, or a bag tax? Does it apply just to plastic bags, or to paper bags as well? What stores are affected, and what changes do they have to make? Here is everything you need to know about the new ordinance.

Introducing RagBags!
A reusable bag that can be used as much more than a bag; that’s made in the USA; that’s eco-friendly from start to finish; and that eliminates waste from both paper and plastic. That’s the remarkable new RagBag.